歩く人体操 コロナウイルス対策 English ver.


For the video introduction version:
Protect Yourself from COVID-19
“Walking People” Exercise
Now Open to the Public
“Walking People – Aruku-Hito” program* which provides the benefits of walking, was created to help sedentary older adults living in temporary apartment complex after Tohoku earthquake and tsunami in Northeast region of Japan in 2011.
To counter ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, self-restraint limitation of activities – stay home, working at home, etc.- may be expanded and continued….
Under such a condition, that is; life with limited activities just like after Tohoku earthquake and Tsunami, the most important capital for you is your good health and physical strength.

“Walking People” Exercise for prevention and decreasing the risk of COVID-19 infection:
As a part of protecting yourself from catching COVID-19, we would like to open “Walking People” Exercise to the public, building basic physical strength for walking and extending your walking life without leg or back pains.
You can do “Walking People” Exercise, when you are sitting down in a chair. There are 4 components in the exercise: warm up, conditioning training, circuit training and cool down. The total time required to complete these 4 components is 20 minutes. This 20-minute total body chair workout will maintain or improve your full-body strength, endurance, flexibility and brain function. Make your “Walking People” Exercise a regular part of your day and keep it interesting.

Important points for doing “Walking People” Exercise:
If you have trouble breathing (shortness of breath) when you are doing “Walking People” Exercise or any physical activity, please slow down.
Remember, always consult your doctor or health practitioner before starting any type of exercise program, so you can continue to exercise safely.
Let’s enjoy “Walking People” Exercise!

*Activities of “Walking People” program is supported by Japan Medical Association, Public Interest Incorporated Association. Also, Health Japan Association, Bone and Joint Japan, Public Interest Incorporated Association, which was established by WHO Association of Japan, awarded “Walking People – Aruku-Hito” program, for Japan Award, honoring outstanding achievement in improving population health in Japan. (Grand Prize, 2018)

